Monday, February 1, 2010

Author's Note! Mahid deaths Auctioned!

I have ten to sixteen Mahid deaths or injuries to offer on the block!

Injuries are negotiaable!

Contact me with paypal details and we will negotiate Mahid deaths!

Unfortunately 2nd Amitzas is sacrosanct... his death is already ordained... but...

others may die.

Pay me and I'll write some neat deaths!

And thanks to all who voted in the most recent poll about whether Ky is in love with Minis!


  1. Chevenga says he'll pony up ten silver chains for 2nd Amitzas to get a severe case of itchy dripping manhood.

  2. ~Blue
    I'd almost say yes except how that would then be inflicted on anyone else 1st 2nd inflicted himself on. I just want his death to be "onscreen" from somebody's viewpoint, maybe Chevenga's too gentle a soul to be that vindictive but I think someone who's suffered his true malice should get the honor of making him cry and beg for death.

  3. Ah, I guess you want the whole nine yards from when [spoiler text removal software] while Chevenga is recovering.

    I'll throw that idea at Karen. Minis might see it, or part of it. I have not yet decided that. Inensa may as well.
