Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Unplanned Hiatus

Dear readers;

I realize I've been very hit and miss lately, rather than regularly posting five days per week.  This is in part because of a friend's cottage, which has no internet, and slaving my ass off to get my house ready for market when I am home. 

And now, later on today actually, I will be heading off to Tulsa OK.  Once I'm there things should settle enough for me to post every day, but if not I will let everyone know.

My apologies for not letting everyone know what was going on before.  The house is ninety percent there, so I am going to say 'good enough to show and only going to get better...' so I can do this.

It's going to be an interesting trip, that's for sure.  A 'stitch and bitch' with Michael's family is in the cards I think.


  1. Around here that's what we call quilting or knitting socials. My wife, on the other hand, seems to think it means catching up on her gossip and her surgeries at the same time.

  2. Oh yes, the infamous different kinds of 'stitches'. Wedding clothes are in the offing... and since we're doing Gods and Heroes, a lot of chitons will be produced, I'm sure.

    Stephani will be made as well. (and no cracks about who is making Stephani and Stephani Who! The wreath on the head is called a 'stephanos'.

  3. Are you attempting to restrict our punnage and make us turn over a new leaf?


    Then you would get lazy and recline upon your laurels, I just know it.
